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Pardus Proses Elektrik is one of the companies leading its own business area in Turkey, which has found in Izmir in 2018 with its experienced team and expertises in the field of control technologies.

Industrial automation, turnkey contractors and energy efficiency solutions are our fields of expertise. Since from establishment, Pardus Proses Elektrik has been conducting solution partnerships with global companies with using their products and technologies and that are experts in their fields.

The purpose of the company founding is to create the right production solutions for its own customers with optimal design, project planning and accomplishment. Its providing customer oriented firm following  norms of  ISO 9001 quality standards and providing the most efficient solutions to its customers.

 As a company management and employees, we adopts and follows   teamwork, individual development, growth a company value  and improve the cooperation with customer and supplier as its basic value and corporate principle.

 It is a constant practitioner and advocate of this policy, with a customer-oriented understanding of quality and a passion for excellence job in everything we do. It values ​​protecting and build up the natural environment for a sustainable quality of life, struggle with the climate crisis and contributing to zero carbon footprint projects for a sustainable future.


Pardus Proses Elektrik is one of the companies leading its own business area in Turkey, which has found in Izmir in 2018 with its experienced team and expertises in the field of control technologies.